Vidéos Lunch Knowledge Shots I / Tammy Schmit

Fir all déi, déi bei de Knowledge Shots net derbäi si konnten resp. fir déi, déi et nach eng Kéier héiere wëllen:

No all Shot huet d’Trixi Schwinden e kuerzen Interview vun ca 5 Minutte mat de Referentinne gemaach a gefrot, firwat se grad hire Sujet gewielt hunn, wat, kuerz resuméiert, d’Erkenntnisser vun hirer Recherche sinn a wat se am meeschte frappéiert huet.

Hei deen éischten mam Tammy Schmit (Bachelor in Anthropology and Political Science, University of Birmingham)

Lauschtert eran, et lount sech!

Title of the dissertation: Exploring the role of women in popular culture: A feminist anthropological approach to Disney princesses

For all of you who could not join the Knowledge Shots or for those who want to see / relisten them

After each shot, Trixi Schwinden did a short interview and asked the speakers for example what was the subject of the thesis, why they choose it or what’s the most important finding of the work.

Here is the first one with Tammy Schmit, (Bachelor in Anthropology and Political Science, University of Birmingham)

Title of the dissertation: Exploring the role of women in popular culture: A feminist anthropological approach to Disney princesses.

It is worth watching :-)!

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