12.5.: Lunch Knowledge Shot about Reproductive Justice in Europe

Donnerstag, 12. Mai 2022 12:30 - 13:30


What is the state of Reproductive Justice in Europe?  Going beyond the Pro-Choice and Legality Debate

Name and grade of the researcher: Clarisse Kombo, Master of Science in Political Science- International Relations


Many American academics have dealt with the concept of reproductive justice that distinguishes between availability and accessibility of reproductive rights. However, there is a gap in the literature when it comes to reproductive justice in Europe. Indeed, one can find isolated cases,  but there has been no systematic research on the topic. The aim of this thesis is to go beyond the pro-choice and legality debate and to analyze the state of reproductive justice in a European context. Consequently, this research studies if the legality (availability) of abortion necessarily translates into its accessibility.

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