24.5.: Feminist tea-for-free / black feminism

Freitag, 24. Mai 2019 17:30 - 19:00

Let‘s continue to talk about black feminism!
At our last feminist tea-for-free we started discussing about black feminism. But there is so much more to say about it, that’s why we want to continue the discussions.

Black feminism is a school of thought stating that sexism, class oppression, gender identity and racism are inextricably bound together. But, what does that mean? Which are the roots and who are the theorists and activists? Which ideas are postulated – then and today? What is the link with afrofeminism? Does black-feminism change the « mainstream » feminism? And why is it important for us – in general – and especially here in Luxembourg?

Introduction by Stéphanie del Lima and Naomy Da Graça
Input about colonialism and Luxembourg from Sandrine Gashonga

We meet between 5:30pm and 7.00pm at the feminist library „CID | Women and Gender“ to drink tea, to exchange, to discuss or to present our favorite feminist books to one another.
You don’t have to subscribe, just drop in! Language is flexible. All genders, nationalities, age-groups, …are welcome!

When?: Friday 24th may from 5:30 – 7:00pm
Where and org.: CID

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