What does it mean to be a feminist? There are times, you get the impression there may be only one Feminism and only one right way to be a feminist. If you don’t succeed in fulfilling given expectations, you fail the feminist cause, and ultimately at feminism. While grading feminism, we expect perfection.
Roxane Gay asks in her famous collection of essays Bad Feminist if one can be convinced of the feminist cause of gender equality, while enjoying degrading rap music and wearing the colour pink? Is there a way to embrace those contradictions? While some claim the so-called right feminism for themselves, others are being marginalized and left out. Who gets to decide the agenda of Feminism?
These are questions we will discuss in our next feminist tea for free. We start at 5:30 pm and end the online meeting at 7:00 pm. We’ll have an introduction on Good vs. Bad feminism by Claire Schadeck. Language is flexible. All genders, nationalities, age-groups,… are welcome! We will meet via zoom. Don’t forget to subscribe at politique@cid-fg.lu!