(en below)
Déi haiteg feministesch Beweegung gëtt oft als 4. Well bezeechent, mat dem Ënnerscheed, dass digital an online Medien déi aktivistesch Praxis verännert hunn. Sozial Medien spillen eng grouss Roll an eisem Alldag an hunn natierlech och en Afloss op eisen Aktivismus an eis Interaktiounen. Wéi kënnen digital Medien benotzt ginn, fir Obmierksamkeet op Sujeten déi Fraen wichteg sinn ze lenken? Wéi kann eng feministesch Strategie fir sozial Medien ausgesinn? De CID huet d’Wichtegkeet erkannt, ee Raum ze bidden fir Austausch iwwert “best practice”, iwwert positiv an negativ Erfarungen an organiséiert en Atelier zum Thema “Sozial Medien als Outil fir eng feministesch Praxis”.
Mam Milena Steinmetzer* beschwätze mir Strategien an Techniken fir d’Benotze vu soziale Medien fir feministesche Stëmme Gehéier ze verschafen!
Bréng däin Handy/Tablette/Laptop mat.
D’Sprooch ass flexibel
It is often suggested that we are currently in the fourth wave of feminism, because of how online and digital media have changed feminist activism and interactions. Social media are a part of our everyday lives and as such part of activism. How can digital media be used to raise awareness on subjects that matter to women? What could a feminist social media strategy look like? It is important to have a space in order to learn from each others best practices, wins and mistakes, this is why CID Fraen an Gender is organising a workshop on “Social media as a tool for feminist practice”.
With Milena Steinmetzer we will discuss strategies and techniques to use social media and our phones to make feminist voices heard!
Bring your phone/tablet/laptop.
Language is flexible
Wou a wien?: CID
Wéini? Donneschteg 23. Januar um 18H00
*Milena is a feminist and climate campaigner who uses social media for her daily activism. She is a very activ member of the the feminist platform Journée Internationale des Femmes JIF2010 who is actually preparing the first women’s strike in Luxembourg (the 7th march) – also with the tools of the social media.