A great tool against sexual harassment (engl. online / german as paperback/ deutsch als Taschenbuch in der Bibliothek: Eine Anleitung zum Erkennen und Bekämpfen sexueller Belästigung )
The inner red warning lights flash… again! What is initially an uneasy feeling does not need to remain diffuse. Sexual harassment follows patterns, can be analyzed (forget the so-called „grey zones“ ) and it is possible to fight against it strategically – alone or with friends.
The two authors Sara Hassan and Juliette Sanchez-Lambert guide you to a good reflection and help with many examples: „friends“ „doctors“, „workplace“, „university“ …
Sara Hassan is the co-founder of Period. She is also communications expert and producer of the decolonial feminist podcast “Vocal About It”.
Juliette Sanchez-Lambert is a feminist unicorn who cares about human rights for all. She deals with her anger at this patriarchal world by building empowering workshops and trainings.
Period. is a non-profit womens network practising intersectional feminism and solidarity in Brussels. It aims to connect, educate and (self-)empower women/non-male persons. Period. is a grassroots movement that offers and gathers tools for and by every woman* to directly contribute to change in society.
You can download the English and German version of the guide for free!
https://periodbrussels.eu/guide/ // Grauzonen gibt es nicht
There is also a German printed version of the book now in our library.
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