On January 21, 2018, thousands of women, femmes and allies will come together all over the world to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the Women’s March and to launch our collective 2018 Women’s March agenda: #PowerToThePolls #Marchtotheballotbox #WomenSolidarity #MeToo
In Luxembourg we are organizing a Women’s Solidarity March and Talk on January 21 for the Women’s March anniversary weekend.
Democrats Abroad Luxembourg members will be joining numerous groups in marches, vigils and rallies around the world to commemorate the anniversary of the Women’s March on Sunday, January 21. Please join us in an afternoon of Women’s Solidarity with a family-friendly walk – weather dependent – in the fields surrounding Luxembourg City. We will also have a discussion about women’s issues over the past year as well as moving forward and check in on sister events around the world.
The Women’s March will take place in Cessange on the walking route behind Cloche d’or. We will be meeting at a member’s house in a casual environment at 13:30 and start our stroll at 14:00. Following the walk we will discuss the issues facing women today. We will also help you request your ballot to vote in the US elections as they are more important now than ever. Non-Democrats Abroad and non-Americans are encouraged to join us in solidarity.
Meet at 90 Rue Kohlenberg, Luxembourg City L-1870 (Cessange) between 13:30 and 14:00. The walk will be approximately 2-3 kilometers on a walking path and sidewalks.
Feel free to wear a pussy hat and pink as well as carry signs. Here are some suggestions from last year’s march. https://
Together, we will show this administration that women are not backing down.
Join us for the first anniversary of the Women’s March.
Rendez-nous visite pour un afterwork détendu ! Pour l’édition de septembre, nous avons le plaisir de collaborer avec les formidables collègues du CITIM, le... Weiter Lesen
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