Gender Drops

Target groups: Young people ages 14+ / adults Topic: Recognising sexual harassment Time required: approx. four double lessons or one project day (6 hours plus...   Weiter Lesen

Target group: Children ages 7+ Topic: Scientists Ecology Time required: Minimum of one double lesson; the project can also be extended over a whole...   Weiter Lesen

Target group Children ages 4-10 Topic Self-assertion, challenging stereotypes, fighting, bullying and peer pressure, toxic masculinity Time required One double lesson (…or more) Description...   Weiter Lesen

#12: Jill ist anders

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Please note that this Gender Drop only exists in German, since the original text hasn’t been translated to French or English. Zielgruppe Kinder 4...   Weiter Lesen

#11: My Body My Rights

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Target group: Young people / young adults (14 – 20 years) Available in Englisch, French and German, suited for gender and age mixed groups...   Weiter Lesen

#10: Council of Europe: Sexism homepage

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TARGET GROUP Teens and young adults aged between 14 and 20 years. SUBJECT Seeing, naming and stopping sexism. DURATION The video lasts 5 minutes....   Weiter Lesen

#9: David und sein rosa Pony

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Please note that this Gender Drop only exists in German, since the original text hasn’t been translated to French or English. Zielgruppe Kinder von...   Weiter Lesen

#8: Boys will be boys?!

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TARGET GROUP Teens and young adults aged between 14 and 20 years. SUBJECT Toxic masculinity DURATION Watching the video along with a short pre-viewing...   Weiter Lesen

#6: A bracelet against stereotypes

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TARGET GROUP Educational material for children aged 4 to 12 SUBJECT Challenging stereotypes DURATION Approx. 1 h preparation   DESCRIPTION The blogger “Maman, rodarde!”...   Weiter Lesen

#5: Bookcase Rallye

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