#7: The Hierarchy Game


Children and teens aged between 11 and 16 years.


Hierarchy, inequalities, power.


25 to 50 minutes (depending on the depth of the discussion).



This game can be played without any specific context in mind. The aim is to raise awareness about the fact that rules are not always fair and that this should change. This game can also be used in discussions on power and hierarchy, e.g. regarding political systems, elections, gender distribution on corporate administrative boards, etc.


At the beginning, everyone is a girl. The participants play “Rock Paper Scissors“. Whoever wins becomes a boy. Boys can then only play against other boys. Whoever wins out of two boys becomes the President. Whoever loses remains in his/her “class” and can no longer play, meaning that if someone loses once, he/she is out of the game.


(To be discussed either as a large group, or within smaller groups first, before the general group discussion.)

  1. Could the rules of the game be reversed?
  2. Do you think the rules of the game are fair? If so, why? If not, why not?
  3. What do you think the rules should be to allow equal opportunities for all?
  4. Could you give examples of unfair rules applying to boys and girls from real life? (The discussion subjects can be broadened to include unfair rules based on age, looks, health, nationality, skin colour, etc.)
  5. If you wish so, you can add a political perspective to the discussion by finding out how many female MPs there are at the Luxembourgish government or at the Luxembourgish Parliament versus males? What do you think of that?
  6. Another discussion subject could be the school’s hierarchy or the one at the Maison relais. Who is the boss? Why?

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