#1: Like a girl

Target Group

Children and teens aged between 8 and 14 years (see Suggestion A); teens and young adults aged between 14 and 20 years (see Suggestion B).


Sexist clichés and stereotypes, assertiveness.


Viewing the video followed by a brief discussion: 15 minutes. A teaching unit should be scheduled for the practical exercises.


The duration of the video is 3 minutes (in English). If you are watching the video with children, an adult will have to read the subtitles aloud during the viewing.

The video is an advertisement for always. We like it because it clearly identifies and demonstrates sexist clichés and stereotypes.

Examples/ Suggestions

Suggestion A

  1. Ask one or several of the children to “run like a girl” or “throw something like a girl”.
  2. Ask the other children: What happened here? What did you notice? What does “to run like a girl” mean? If a boy is told he “runs like a girl”, what does this mean?
  3. Watch the video:
  4. What happened in the video?
  5. Do the clichés apply to the people in this class?
  6. Ask the children who ran or threw something “like a girl” to do it again.

Suggestion B

  1. Question for discussion: What is generally considered typically masculine / feminine? Which of those elements are positive, and which are negative?
  2. Watch the video:
  3. How can every single one of us fight these clichés in our daily lives?
  4. The video is an advertisement for always. Brands aren’t innocent: they contribute to the consolidation of sexist clichés and stigmatisation. Even today, the reliability of sanitary pads is demonstrated by means of a blue liquid. Task: Look for current advertisements online or in papers and that either reinforce or deconstruct sexist clichés.

This video could be a good conclusion to the task. The video is in English with French subtitles and lasts 1 minute:

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