4.4.:Feminist Tea-for-free / music

Thursday, 4. April 2019 17:30 - 19:00


Shout it out and play it loud – empowerment with feminist music

We will empower ourselves with feminist music and song texts. We are looking for empowering, inspiring or angry songs written and performed by women.

Be a DJ/ane and share your favourite feminist song(s) that we will play and listen together.

Please check if your songs are available on youtube or vimeo. If not, bring them on an USB-Stick or another digital device.

We meet between 5:30pm and 7.00pm at the feminist library „CID Women and Gender“ to drink tea, to exchange, to discuss .You don’t have to subscribe, just drop in! Language is flexible. All genders, nationalities, age-groups,…are welcome

© 2016 CID Fraen an Gender a.s.b.l. All rights reserved. Webdesign: bakform/youtag