CID is pleased to participate once again in LuxFilmFest. This year we support the film Force of Habit. Afterwards there will be a discussion with the two directors Reetta Aalto and Elli Toivoniemi as well as the actor and director Sophie Langevin, moderated by Woxx-journalist Isabel Spiragelli.
Reetta Aalto, Alli Haapasalo, Anna Paavilainen, Kirsikka Saari, Miia Tervo, Elli Toivoniemi, Sonya Lindfors, Aino Suni, Inari Niemi, Tine Alavi
Finland, Sweden , 2019 / 75 min / OV Finnish with English subt. / Drama, Comedy
Collaboration CID Fraen an Gender
Shot by seven female directors, Force of Habit reveals moments of discrimination in women’s everyday lives.
With severity, but also humor, this anthology film shows how patriarchal power structures still determine and influence the women’s experience.
“The strength of each film is to make you experience as a spectator, whether you are a man or a woman, these revelatory instances that are sometimes so common, you tend to no longer pay attention to them.” – Extracts from the film’s press kit, written by film critic Iris Brey