23.2.: Lunch Knowledge Shot Woven in Vegetal Fabric

Wednesday, 23. February 2022 12:30 - 13:30


On the connection between aphrodisiacs, gender and bewilderment.
The artist Noé (Catherine) Duboutay asks how we can connect with our bodies, listen to them and deconstruct the nature/culture dichotomy through a state of bewilderment while learning from plants.
Noé (Catherine) Duboutay is one of the artists participating in the exposition Woven in Vegetal Fabric. On Plant Becomings
Language: English
Where? : Hybrid event in CID and via zoom. Due to Covid regulations the audience will need to wear a mask during the event.
Registration: biblio@cid-fg.lu (please mention if you participate live or online)

Vorstellung der Ausstellung

Catherine Duboutay über ihre Arbeit


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