Meet and discuss
Have you ever wondered how the representation of gender influences your own identity? What if our identity is a construction of multiple different elements, which (can/sometimes) contradict each other?
In her new piece Dreamer, the choreographer Anne-Mareike Hess illustrates the multitudes contained in us humans, where the dream operates as a vehicle to visualize a person’s ambiguity. In order to deconstruct gendered roles, Anne-Mareike Hess explores aspects of femininity and female identity inspired by mythology, as well as pop culture.
While highlighting the emergence of stereotypes, Dreamer aims to decode gender stereotypes. A few weeks before the premiere of this new work, Anne-Mareike Hess will give us an insight into the working process for Dreamer and share thoughts and questions on the ongoing creative process, as well as perform some movement material of Dreamer.
The shared material will be the base for a guided discussion in smaller groups, moderated by CID – Fraen an Gender, choreographer Anne-Mareike Hess and dramaturg Thomas Schaupp.
Everyone is invited to participate, to share thoughts and reaction(s). The introduction and input by Anne-Mareike Hess will be in English, but language during discussion can be flexible. Together with you, we aim to create an open space for reflection, sharing and discussion.
Entrée libre, réservation obligatoire.
Email: (Informations)
Tel: (+352) 26 20 52 444
Où: Abbaye Neimënster
Org.: neimënster & CID. Soutien : MEGA