One of our new books in the CID library dedicated to the non-binary education of children:
“Mr. Rapunzel”, “Frau Rumpelstiltzkin”, “Slepping Handsome in the wood” … These gender swapped fairytailes are rewritten with the aid of a computer alogorithm created by Jonathan Plackett and reillustrated by the artist and comic writer Karrie Fransman. In their introduction Fransman and Plackett reflect about binary gender roles in general and about the funny discoveries they made when rewriting the stories. They admit how much fun they had making “Gender Swapped Fairy Tales” and underline “(…) but we also want it to explore serious questions. Our aim is no less than to illuminate and disrupt the gender streotypes woven into the stories we’ve been told since childhood”. #cidoninstagram #genderlibrary #genderroles #livresfeminstes #feministbooks #feministfairytales #nonbinary #gendereducation
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CID | Fraen an Gender ist ein Ort für alle die sich für Feminismus, Genderthemen, Gleichheit zwischen allen Geschlechtern interessieren und sich gegen Geschlechterstereotypen aussprechen.
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Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday:
12 – 6 p.m.
12 – 19h30
Possible to take appointments for research outside of opening hours.
The CID is closed in August and during the end of year holidays.
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