CID asked nine parties about measures for a feminist, socially just and inclusive society based on 30 questions. We received seven responses.
The answers are intended to give voters and anyone else interested an overview of how important feminism and gender justice are to the various parties.
Topics are education, work, family, health, foreign policy, culture and politics and society.
The CID endeavoured to analyse the answers as objectively as possible and to present them clearly in a table. This way you can see at a glance which party is making concrete proposals and whether they have given concrete answers to the questions.
In the run-up to the elections we will compare the answers with the contents of the election programmes.
We thank the parties for their time and work.
Rendez-nous visite pour un afterwork détendu ! Pour l’édition de septembre, nous avons le plaisir de collaborer avec les formidables collègues du CITIM, le... Weiter Lesen
CID | Fraen an Gender ist ein Ort für alle die sich für Feminismus, Genderthemen, Gleichheit zwischen allen Geschlechtern interessieren und sich gegen Geschlechterstereotypen aussprechen.
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Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday:
12 – 6 p.m.
12 – 19h30
Possible to take appointments for research outside of opening hours.
The CID is closed in August and during the end of year holidays.
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