The fourth Feminist Peace Movement From Around the World that we would like to introduce you to is Kongra Star. Kongra Star is... Weiter Lesen
Women of the Sun (نساء الشمس) is a Palestinian women’s organisation, founded in July 2021 by its current director Reem Hajajreh. The latter’s life... Weiter Lesen
The third Feminist Peace Movement From Around the World that we would like to introduce you to is the General Union of Palestinian Women... Weiter Lesen
[De] An de soziale Medien, besonnesch op där vu Jonken vill genotzten TikTok-Plattform, ginn traditionell Famillen- a Rollemodeller staark gehypet. Besonnesch opfälleg sinn déi... Weiter Lesen
[De] Fir d’Carte Blanche ze lauschteren, klickt hei. An dëser Carte Blanche diskutéiert d’Claire Schadeck, a wéi enger Form eng Verfassungsännerung de richtege Wee... Weiter Lesen
This year’s theme: conflict, gender and peace The second Feminist Peace Movement from around the world that we would like to introduce you to... Weiter Lesen
👩⚖️ What is Femicide? Should we criminalize it? Learn more about the criminalization of femicide at CID on the 26th September and discuss any... Weiter Lesen
LUXEMBOURG LGBTIQ+ PANEL Focus Group #8 “Queer women in/from the LGBTIQ+ community” (in English) 16th of October 2024 from 6pm-8pm at CID| Fraen an... Weiter Lesen
Film followed by a discussion in the context of Intersex Awareness Day “Who I am not” (Film in English Language) In Kooperation mit der... Weiter Lesen
[Fr] Screenings on Inclusion – Should we all be feminists? Noumia Film: Silke Meya & Laura Mentgen This year, the Cercle Cité continues its... Weiter Lesen
At a time when armed conflicts and wars are a regular feature in media reporting, we draw attention to the gender dimension and illustrate... Weiter Lesen
CID | Fraen an Gender ist ein Ort für alle die sich für Feminismus, Genderthemen, Gleichheit zwischen allen Geschlechtern interessieren und sich gegen Geschlechterstereotypen aussprechen.
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Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday:
12 – 6 p.m.
12 – 19h30
Possible to take appointments for research outside of opening hours.
The CID is closed in August and during the end of year holidays.
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