2023 is a super election year in Luxembourg with the local elections in June and the parliamentary elections in October and therefore also the focus of our work this year. In 2024, we are continuing this work as part of the European elections.
In preparation for the European elections, we contacted all candidates of the 13 parties and asked them to answer “yes” or “no” to 6... Weiter Lesen
Depuis novembre 2023, un nouveau gouvernement est en place. Jusqu’en 2028, le Luxembourg sera dirigé par un gouvernement de coalition entre les partis CSV... Weiter Lesen
[De] 10. Oktober 2023 – Das CID hat zwei Tage nach den Wahlen einen offenen Brief an den Beauftragten zur Regierungsbildung gerichtet. Unsere Haupanliegen... Weiter Lesen
Last year, CID asked nine parties about measures for a feminist, socially just and inclusive society based on 30 questions. We received seven responses.... Weiter Lesen
Roundtable For a feminist future? In anticipation of the parliamentary elections, the CID | Fraen an Gender invites you to a roundtable discussion with... Weiter Lesen
[De and Fr] 20230316Pressemitteilung_WirBrauchenFeministischePolitik Pressemitteilung vom CID | Fraen an Gender Do 16.3.2023 Wir brauchen feministische Politik! Es ist Superwahljahr und wir befinden uns... Weiter Lesen
PDF EN_Recommendations CID | PDF LU_Recommendatiounen CID Parliamentary elections 2023 Recommendations of the CID | Fraen an Gender with regard to gender-relevant topics... Weiter Lesen
Answers from seven parties to questions from CID in the run-up to the parliamentary elections CID asked nine parties about measures for a feminist,... Weiter Lesen