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Parliamentary elections 2023
1. Discriminatory content (sexist, racist and class-related) in school materials and programmes must be eliminated
• External independent expert group (expertise on sexism, racism, classism – always convened as needed), to review textbooks (commissioned and financed by the Ministry of Education) and, in the case of questionable passages, to immediately work out alternatives
• Immediately revise and reprint Luxembourg textbooks. Have new material reviewed by the expert group before it goes to print. Remove particularly problematic foreign material from the programme or prepare accompanying material as a compulsory supplement
• Specific contact person at the Ministry of Education who can be contacted by parents, teachers and pupils regarding school material or school programmes and who can initiate changes
• Mandatory training for teaching staff to reflect, recognise and question their own attitudes towards sexism, racism and classism issues, so that they can recognise discriminatory content and also address it in the classroom
2. Representation of women in school programmes must be increased
• Literature lists must be drawn up on an equal basis
• An external group of experts shall be commissioned by the Ministry of Education to analyse school programmes and draw up recommendations for all subjects
3. Gender-specific aspects must be integrated into the training of teaching staff
• Motivate the University of Luxembourg to integrate gender studies as a compulsory part of teacher training. In addition, there should be a wide choice of gender-related courses
• Re-establishment of a Chair of Gender Studies at the University of Luxembourg
4. The recognition and prevention of violence must be integrated as an integral part of the training of police, judicial and health personnel
• Mandatory introduction of a module on gender-specific violence prevention in basic training
• Annual training with an external group of experts on gender-based violence prevention.
• Specific training for every person in the police who visit people at home to respond to an emergency call or who intervene in the event of violence in public spaces
• Specific training for judges and prosecutors dealing with cases of gender-based violence
5. Supplement non-formal education by adding a gender-sensitive perspective
• Compulsory training for teaching staff by experts
• Integration of a specific module in the basic training of teachers, educators, social and family caregivers and all other socio-educational professions
• Review of the basic training programmes for educators by experts to ensure a gender-sensitive perspective
6. The (adjusted) gender pay gap must be abolished
• Mandatory transparent salaries
• Inspections by the Trade Inspection ITM (sanctions)
• Labour law: automatically advance to the qualified minimum wage after a certain number of years in the same job
7. A reduction in weekly working hours with full pay for all
• 32-hour week
8. Actively combating the pension gap
• Compulsory contributions: Obligation to make pension contributions even if not in paid work (partner or state depending on partner’s income/wealth)
• Adjust minimum pension
• Increase salaries of certain occupational categories (care professions, cleaning industry)
• Timely information about personal pension prospects
9. Guaranteed childcare for all children, regardless of the parents’ situation
• Reform of the regulatory framework/statutes for day care staff
• Extension of childbirth leave
• Introduce nurseries in companies and ensure adequate number of childcare places
10. Replace paternity leave with inclusive childbirth leave
• Three months with full wage compensation for the second parent – regardless of gender
11. Abolish structural poverty of single parents
• Prioritise the implementation of tax reform
• Increase the minimum wage
• Index/increase family benefits
• Free and high quality childcare
• Affordable housing
12. Create a health policy strategy in research, education, medical practices and hospitals that applies a gender perspective
13. Recognition of “endometriosis” as a disease
• Recognised coding at CNS (not only for operations) so as to record the number of known endometriosis cases in this country
• Reimbursement for endometriosis-specific medicine
• Establish an interdisciplinary endometriosis patient centre (gynaecologists, psychologists, sexologists, alternative medicine)
• Systematic recommendation and reimbursement of rehabilitation measures for endometriosis patients after surgery
• Reimbursement of treatments by physiotherapists, psychologists, osteopathic and naturopathic treatments
• Integrate endometriosis into the 7th grade biology programme
• Integrate endometriosis into the training of nurses
14. Creation of an independent complaints body for cases of gynaecological violence
15. Introduction of free distribution of menstrual products in all government-managed toilets
16. Anchor the right to bodily self-determination in the constitution
• Inclusive and destigmatising awareness-raising campaign on abortion rights
• Directory of gynaecologists who perform abortions
17. Collection and use of gender-specific data
• Gender-specific data (going beyond non-binary gender) as a prerequisite for funding governmental and para-governmental projects
• Targeted promotion of gender research
• Expansion of the naming of gender (a further option in addition to man or woman, or the possibility of not specifying gender) in all official documents/applications/contracts of state or para-statal actors
18. Implement gender budgeting
• Gender-sensitive analysis of government revenue and expenditure (analysis of employment and income situation; analysis of the use of government services, etc.)
• Gender budgeting as a basic principle of public finance
• Regular monitoring of the implementation of gender budgeting by an external group of experts
• Funding civil society initiatives committed to gender equality
19. Pursue an intersectional gender equality policy with targeted outreach to women affected by racism, queer women and women with disabilities
• Regularly work out projects with affected people that specify specific field-related demands (with the respective responsible ministries)
• Internal awareness training (public sector)
• Guarantee barrier-free access to internal and public events
• Make public documents available in simple language
• Take into account the different life situations and interests of women in all political decisions (intersectional approaches to gender mainstreaming)
20. Combating gender-based violence
• National study that goes beyond police statistics and also includes underreporting (all forms of violence noted in the Istanbul Convention)
• Include psychological violence into the criminal code (and define it clearly)
• Integrate femicide into the penal code (and define it clearly)
• Abolition of the right to an automatic deferred sentence for first-time offender convictions of violent criminals
21. Create affordable housing for all people, but especially for vulnerable groups (single parents, families with more than three children, victims of domestic violence, single people…)
• Increase available space in women’s shelters and emergency housing in order to abolish waiting lists for victims of gender-based violence
• Specific reception services for women, non-binary people and queer people living on the streets
• Enshrine the right to dignified and affordable housing in constitutional law
22. Promoting boys’ and men’s work as an important component of gender equality work
• Update the situation of boys’ and men’s work
• Implement boys’ work and a pedagogy addressing boys firmly in the teaching offer in Luxembourg
• Expand male-focused counselling
• Offer training specifically for men (on mansplaining, toxic masculinity, manspreading, etc.)
23. Combating the unequal distribution of unpaid care work
• Reduction of working time
• Extension/adjustment of birth leave for a second parent
• Provide nurseries in companies
24. Promoting parity in political mandates
• Mandatory parity lists
• Joint government
• Flexible working conditions
• Reduce/adjust speaking time and duration of meetings
• Enable part-time work for top positions
25. Combating sexist harassment in public areas
• Extend lighting in public areas
• Raise awareness and increase the number of contact personnel in public transport
• Campaigns at train stations and bus stops that address and condemn sexual harassment
• Emergency communication pillars at a minimum at central public transport transfer points
• Promote awareness-raising projects that address sexist harassment in public areas (e.g. with calls for projects and/or competitions)
26. Promoting a gender-sensitive transport policy
• Take stock of the situation in order to identify gendered behaviour (different needs)
• Develop gender-sensitive strategies with an external group of experts
• Integration of intersectional perspectives in transport planning and urban planning
• Parity in transport and urban planning decision-making bodies in transport companies
• Remove focus from cars towards pedestrians and cyclists
• Guarantee accessibility in public spaces and public transport
• Offer free cargo bikes in all cities (based on the model of the Viennese Grätzlrad)
• An offer like Vel’OH, but with bikes that you can attach a child seat or a trailer to, which are also available in children’s sizes
• Seating and good lighting at all stops
• 30km/h speed limit in villages and towns
• Automobile-free city centres
27. Implementation of a feminist foreign policy
• Parity and intersectional appointment to decision-making posts
• Dialogue/cooperation with feminist organisations at national and international level
• More financial and human resources to implement the Agenda2030
• Focus on conflict prevention & peace coalitions
• Military disarmament
• Use seats in international bodies to always think about the feminist perspective and incorporate it into decisions/resolutions/texts.
• Implementation of the resolution on Women, Peace and Security
• Sign the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
• Action plan with measurable objectives that are transparent and understandable, including timetable, budget and evaluation steps
28. Ensure the human rights of undocumented women and gender minorities at the European level and in this country
• Consistent application of the Istanbul Convention
• Ban on expelling undocumented people from Luxembourg who report criminal behaviour towards them to the police
• Guarantee women affected by violence access to women’s shelters
• Undocumented women and gender minorities who are victims of domestic violence should not be afraid to file a complaint with the police. The obligation to report to the immigration authorities must be suspended at that time
• In the case of pending domestic violence complaints/investigations, expulsions must be suspended until the criminal proceedings have been concluded
• Women who have obtained a residence permit through their husband must immediately be issued a work permit to facilitate their integration in the labour market and ensure their financial independence
29. Targeted promotion of female, queer and marginalised artists
• Elaborating awareness-raising concepts such as Kinder entdecken Künstlerinnen
• Financial support for cultural institutions that explicitly include feminist art in their programmes
• Equal representation on committees and programmes
• Consideration of gender issues in the programmes
• Annual monitoring of the programmes from a gender-sensitive perspective by an independent body
[Fr] 🗣️ After popular demand the event on the criminalization of femicide is back! 👩⚖️ What is Femicide? Should we criminalize it? Learn more... Weiter Lesen
CID | Fraen an Gender is a place for everyone interested in feminism, gender issues, equality between all genders and speaking out against gender stereotypes.
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