Cinémathèque: Early Cinema and Female Audience

Friday, 26. January 2018 20:30

The Maharajah’s Favourite Wife – Special screening

Book presentation and introduction to the film by Andrea Haller
The Maharajah’s Favourite Wife

Maharadjahens Yndlingshustru Danemark 1917 | intertitres danois traduits en anglais | 64’ | De : Robert Dinesen | Avec : Gunnar Tolnaes, Lilly Jacobsson | Copie restaurée par le Danish Film Institute ► accompagnement live au piano par Hughes Maréchal

Leaving the man who loves her, the beautiful Elly accepts the marriage proposal of a Maharajah and follows him to India. But soon, she wants to run away from the harem…


“Die Tatsache, dass Frauen einen Mann nur aufgrund seines guten Aussehens und nicht seiner inneren Werte verehrten, rief bei nicht wenigen, vor allem männlichen Zeitgenossen ein gewisses Unbehagen und Argwohn hervor. Denn Frauen gaben sich hier einer Art von Schaulust hin, die bis dahin Männern vorbehalten war.”
“The Maharajah’s Favourite Wife became a crash box-office hit wherever it was distributed, and while the harem scenes probably didn’t hurt, the main attraction was beyond any doubt the fairytale plot: Elly, a rather ordinary European girl, wins the true love of a fabulously rich, handsome Indian prince. Within the patriarchal order of his male privileges (the harem), she rises to a position deemed privileged by the logic of the film’s happy ending.”
Mariann Lewinsky


Introduction to the film and book presentation (in English) by Andrea Haller, film historian and author of the book « Eine Episode aus unserem Dasein. Frühes Kino in Deutschland – Programmgestaltung und weibliches Publikum » (Filmgeschichte International. Schriftenreihe der Cinémathèque de la Ville de Luxembourg, 2016). Haller’s book deals with the introduction of the longer feature film around 1912 and female cinema going during Imperial Germany. Rich in historical detail it explores why women went to the movies and what kind of films they loved.

With the support of CID Fraen an Gender

Lieu: Cinémathèque

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