Lesung Catherine Kontz aus Mit den Haien streiten

Friday, 26. April 2019 19:30

[De and Fr]

Einleitend zur luxemburgischen Uraufführung von A Certain Sense of Order von Catherine Kontz,  unterhält sich Sonja Kmec mit der Komponistin über den Beitrag Catherine Kontz: Komponieren mit Kind und Kegel und über die Aufführung

A Certain Sense of Order is a work for two singers exploring the American poet Anne Sexton. Using the text of a single poem – For John, Who Begs Me Not to Inquire Further – the piece reflects on Sexton’s life and work, including her practice of recording and listening to tapes of her therapy sessions. While reciting excerpts of the poem, the singers perform activities reminiscent of a variety of practices from Sexton’s life : writing at a typewriter, recording speech, listening to tapes. Transitioning between media, the singers manifest and mingle roles from the home and therapy room. Rather than a literal or biographical representation of the poet or her work, the piece is better understood as a performed poetic interpretation.

A sign of the success of A Certain Sense of Order is the freshness and seriousness with which it musically and dramatically explores the radical performative potential of Sexton and her poetry, in addition to the active questions it leaves us with. 3:AM MAGAZINE

A gentle, thoughtful, provocative and beautiful piece. Bill Bankes-Jones, Artistic director of Tête à Tête Opera

When and Where?

Friday 26 april 7.30pm at Theatre du centaure, Luxembourg

(également le 25 avril à 18h30 avec une rencontre (en anglais) avec l’équipe créatrice, à l’issue de la représentation)


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