Open meeting Equal birth leave
Monday, 13. December 2021
18:00 - 20:00
What if we had an equal birth leave?
During the last Women*’s Strike, the JIF asked for an equal birth leave of 3 months for both parents. Currently, after the birth of a child, the mother has 3 months of maternity leave. The so-called “paternity leave”, which is complementary to the maternity leave after the birth of the child, is only 10 days and is only accessible to a male partner. Parental leave, which is more inclusive, can only be requested once the maternity leave has expired, after three months after the birth of the child.
The regulations have remained stuck on the heterosexual family model and parenting roles and exclude lgbtqi+ partners from certain rights. For heterosexual partners, the conditions are not yet in place for equal sharing of caregiving work and equal investment in parenting by each partner from the time the child is born.
It is time to update the models of parenting. Not to say to the woman “take care of the baby!” and to the man “go back to work soon to support the family financially”.
Let’s talk about it!
Org: JIF Luxembourg
Where? De gudde Wëllen, rue du St Esprit Luxembourg