Die beiden DJane-Konzerte am 21. Juli sind abgesagt; dafür wird aber die mexikanische Rapperin MARE mit einem längeren Set auftreten und zwar um 21 Uhr im Garten des Kreuzgangs der Abtei Neumünster. Der Eintritt ist frei!
Und nicht vergessen: Ab 19 Uhr feiern wir 25 Jahre CIDmit auf dem Programm:
– Scho 25 Joer CID ! : Josée Kappweiler
– Carte blanche “Feminismus zu Lëtzebuerg?” : Konschtkollektiv RICHTUNG22
– La belle lettre « F » comme… : Paca Rimbau Hernandez
Kommt vorbei und feiert mit!
Hier die Mitteilung von neimënster:
Dear guests,
We regret to inform you, that for reasons beyond our control the concert “Bold Beats” which was scheduled for this Friday, 21 July 2017, had to be cancelled. Only the concert by Mare Advertencia Lirika will be maintained, although in different format and with free admission. If you have already bought tickets please contact via mail, write us a Facebook Message or call +352 262052444 in order to get reimbursed. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding. Your team of neimënster
Mare is a Zapotec Hip Hop artist whose music speaks out for the rights of indigenous women. The self-identified feminist discovered rap during her teenage years when she struggled to find her identity. Since then she uses her personal lyrics to challenge sexism inside the Mexican communities while calling out the state for its abysmal treatment of indigenous communities: ´I speak about social justices because I’ve also lived them in my own experience.´
[Fr] 🗣️ After popular demand the event on the criminalization of femicide is back! 👩⚖️ What is Femicide? Should we criminalize it? Learn more... Weiter Lesen
CID | Fraen an Gender is a place for everyone interested in feminism, gender issues, equality between all genders and speaking out against gender stereotypes.
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Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday:
12 pm – 6 pm
12 pm – 7.30 pm
9 am – 2 pm
Possibility to make appointments for research outside of the opening hours.
The CID is closed in August and during the end of year holidays.
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