29.9: Esch 2022 Remix Festival with an panel about Identity in Europe


This panel focuses on artists who are currently running projects that explore issues of gender and inclusion. The discussion will raise questions of identity at the heart of Europe and will allow for active participation by each visitor.

Claude Weber
With the project “Helen Buchholtz’s Salon”, Claude Weber revives and reinterprets the idea of the “salon” in the broadest sense by focusing on the Esch composer Helen Buchholtz.
The political, artistic and/or literary ‘salon’ is a concept present in several European countries and the discussions were often led by women.

Clotilde Moynot
With “La Marche des oublié.e.s de l’Histoire”, Clotilde Moynot looks back on an experiment carried out in 2013-2014 in which seven women authors and one woman singer-songwriter wrote the story and songs of this play with residents of the neighbourhoods in a collective writing process. In the framework of Esch2022, they will remix the original text with the women of Differdange and Russange.

Tom Hecker

“Luxembourg Pride 2022”, respectively Pride Week, will be extended by the opening of a Queer Art Festival initiated by the traditional opening ceremony. In addition to a queer cinema evening, many other projects defending the interests and rights of the LGBTIQ community supported by Rosa Lëtzebuerg a.s.b.l will be associated.

Date: September 29, 2021
Time: 7pm – 8.30 pm
Place: Artikuss, Sanem (L)
3 Rue Jean Anen, L-4413 Sanem

Free admission, reservation required

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