Thursday December 3th 6.30 pm
New sanitary measures force us to change plans again. The live work-in-progress sharing at neimënster is cancelled. But feminist discussion isn’t! We will be holding it online via ZOOM and although you’ll have to make your own tea, we can still enjoy it together and share our thoughts on be female representation in art! How do the female and male gaze change female representation and which images are missig in art history?
Besides the fabulous Larisa Faber, other special guests will join us, too. You can look forward to interesting inputs, an inspiring video and photo sharing and of course lively discussions! This tea-for-free is part of a participatory art project by Larisa Faber, which will partly be based on your experiences and testimonies.
We start at 6.30 p.m. and end the online meeting at 8 p.m. Discussions will be in English. All genders, nationalities, age groups are welcome! Please register at billetterie@neimenster.lu as we have limited availability to enable maximum lively discussion.
You’ll be sent the link shortly before the event.
Org: CID|Fraen an Gender, Neimënster
[Fr] 🗣️ After popular demand the event on the criminalization of femicide is back! 👩⚖️ What is Femicide? Should we criminalize it? Learn more... Weiter Lesen
CID | Fraen an Gender is a place for everyone interested in feminism, gender issues, equality between all genders and speaking out against gender stereotypes.
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Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday:
12 pm – 6 pm
12 pm – 7.30 pm
9 am – 2 pm
Possibility to make appointments for research outside of the opening hours.
The CID is closed in August and during the end of year holidays.
© 2016 CID Fraen an Gender a.s.b.l. All rights reserved. Webdesign: bakform/youtag